Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Eagle Brook 2021 Agronomic Season Recap

With just 3 weeks left on the 2021 calendar, the Eagle Brook Turf Center Agronomic Plan is pretty much in the books. The preventative snow mold spray application is complete, the back 9 holes are closed to play, and aside from end of year divot repair and a final topdressing on greens our focus has shifted toward our plans for 2022. As we close the book on 2021 let's take a quick look back on some of the highlights and accomplishments from this past year.

In regards to golf operations, there were a number of major initiatives that were completed in 2021. The first and inarguably most impactful to our members was the complete renovation of Eagle Brook's range tee. We replaced the artificial mats with a continuous multi-surface tee line that is tops in both form and function. The half acre of natural bentgrass turf was also replaced by a low height-of-cut tolerant bluegrass variety that will be ready for use in 2022. New range amenities accompanied the renovated playing surfaces, which included ball crates, bag stands, club washers, and a yardage sign all with Eagle Brook logo treatment. Members also saw the reintroduction of ball washers on the course. Seven new-look tee stations were installed featuring permanent ball washer stanchion bases. These bases allow for stanchion removal during the winter months to preserve or refurbish the finish. Other notable initiatives include the following:

  • Establishment of a permanent 5th tee marker, eliminated split tees
  • New CDGA course and slope rating plus revised yardages based on new tee locations
  • Implementation of a 5 area daily pin rotation system
New features extended to the grounds crew, too. A newly purchased Ventrac tractor with brush cutter implements ushered in a wave a new maintenance practices. The Ventrac allowed us to cut back over growth in native areas maintain height of grasses along waterways to improve landscape aesthetics and sight lines for play. Additional equipment acquisitions included new electronics and computer interface for the irrigation pumps and weather station to provide up to the minute temperature, humidity, and rainfall data.
Craig using Ventrac brush cutter on #17 tee
The most transformative and architecturally impactful project initiated this season was the seeding of tall fescue areas on holes 3, 6, 9, 12, and 13. This bold undertaking will result in a new look and feel to the Eagle Brook playing experience. Over 6 acres of bluegrass rough has been replaced by a mix of fescue varieties that when fully established and mature will result in heathery swards of pure thigh-high grasses. This will not only break up the visual monotony of large expanses of 3 in. rough but will also reduce maintenance requirements due to less mowing and irrigation needs.
Fescue grow-in viewed from #12 tee

Of course none of these projects, let alone the daily maintenance of course standards, would be possible without the hard work and dedication of the EBCC grounds crew. We were able to retain all key members from our 2020 crew as well as grow our ranks with talent acquisitions that came with experience and the character necessary to make our efforts a success.
EBCC crew member Alex, a.k.a. Goose, cutting cups
On behalf of Craig Kight, Frank Klaus and the EBCC Turf Center staff we extend to everyone -- from EBCC Clubhouse and Golf Operations staff, Arcis directors and administration, to our vendors, members and guests -- who provided support insight throughout the year a sincere THANK YOU.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for a very healthy and wonderful New Year!

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