Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Return to EBCC!!!

As we begin the process of getting the course ready for summer play, we have come across some uncharted waters and unprecedented times. Even though the stay at home order has been extended, some of the previous restrictions pertaining to golf are being lifted and modified. As we get ready to open this weekend, we wanted to to pass along some information regarding the new features here at the club. As always and even more so now, we must ensure that all rules and regulations set forth by the state are adhered to during your visit to the club and while playing your round. 

As the Covid virus is still among us, there have been many interesting and creative suggestions as to how to play a round of golf safely. Eagle Brook Country Club has elected to join in to help promote the game while maintaining social distancing and eliminating touch points throughout your round such as bunker rakes, trash cans and ball washers, just to name a few.  The following are a set of guidelines and tools that have been put in place to ensure compliance with the regulations while still providing an enjoyable round. 
  * On the new flags and sticks you will see the Ez-Lift mechanism. Once your putt has been holed, 
     please use the end of your putter and lightly lift up on the hook to retrieve your ball.
  * All trap rakes have been removed from the course. Please rake with your shoe all prints to 
     help provide a playing surface for members that will be teeing off behind you.
  * Course restrooms will be open. The club has provided additional cleaning times throughout the 
  * Due to the lack of sand/ seed containers, maintenance will be filling all tee divots daily. If creating
    fairway divots, please replace and tap down with your foot after your shot.

These past few months has been challenging for us all. It is our hope that one day in the near future, all restrictions will be lifted, but for now, everyone must work together and comply with the new restrictions for as long as they are in place. The game of golf is a great way to relax, enjoy and be one with Mother Nature. As we all slowly walk through this together, we must remember: Change is challenging but being positive always wins. 

We look forward to seeing all of you this weekend.

Stay safe and healthy,

EBCC Turf Team

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